Security Guards provide a vital service to society:
1. Much the same as Police, Fire, and EMS Security Guards are considered first responders and perform a very necessary service to society twenty-four hours a day especially at critical sites like hospitals, cancer treatment centers, manufacturing plants, transportation facilities, governmental and many other important/critical sites.
In summary, they help keep socitey running and are deemed "essential service workers" by New York State.
2. Employers constantly struggle to fulfill their needs for security guards, but these individuals need their NYS issued security guard license in order to work.
3. Although we have temporarily suspended most courses offered such as CPR, Self Defense, etc., we have continued security guard license training unless directed otherwise or it becomes infeasible.
4. It is interesting to note that law enforcement officers are told if they are at a hospital and people come in with a dreadful disease then they will also be there with people who have a dreadful disease. Society relies upon them! The same applies to security guards. They must be there as long as necessary, following proper precautionary protocols, just like others who provide vital services to the community such as medical staff or even the janitors who sanitize everything in an effort to keep these important services to society running.
5. In all cases everyone is advised to take all necessary precautions recommended by doctors like washing hands frequently, not touching your face, self-quarantine and getting tested if directly exposed to a known COVID-19 case, staying home if ill or at high risk of getting or spreading any infection -- also if you have serious underlying conditions -- social distancing, etc.
6. For more information on the COVID-19 virus and how to protect yourself feel free to go to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) by using this link:
Preventative Measures We Are Taking:
As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, the safety of our students, staff and visitors is our utmost concern.
Although most of the classes we conduct are only eight hours and not for a semester like regular schools, please rest assured that we are still doing everything to be highly proactive.
Please also keep in mind that our "Student Population" is generally a small classroom for only one day for an eight hour class or two eight hour days for a sixteen hour class instead of public or private institutions that have populations of hundreds and in some cases, thousands, co-mingling in various activities.
Armed guard classes are ten students or less for only forty-seven hours, but we still do not intend to conduct those until the COVID-19 situation has subsided in order to help us maintain maximum efficiency in dealing with it.
As a school we are working with our temporary training site, the Long Island Hilton, who are doing the following:
1- Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the entire hotel.
2- We encourage everyone to wash their hands frequently.
3- Al food services are closed until further notice.
4- Disinfecting common areas more frequently (i.e. Elevators, front desk, lobby and restrooms).
5- In addition to the measures the hotel is taking, the school is making copious facial tissues and hand sanitizer available in the classroom.
6- We post the signs and symptoms of COVID-19pdf icon:
including Fever, cough, shortness of breath issued by the CDC in the classroom.
7- Prevention instructions/procedures are reviewed at the beginning of each class and are monitored by school staff throughout the day.
8- All students will be spaced 6 feet apart during class.
9- Students must wear appropriate hands free face coverings/surgical masks in class when less than 6 feet from anyone.
Anyone who appears to have the symptoms of the virus or displays uncontrollable coughing or sneezing will be sent home and rescheduled for a later date so please consider this before coming down to the class.
8- We are keeping up to date 24/7 on developments in the community regarding COVID-19.
9- We have also created an emergency plan for a possible outbreak which includes but is not limited to working with the Health Department and suspending all classes until all staff are screened/tested/cleared for work and the area is deemed properly sanitized and ready for classes by the appropriate management and the Health Department.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released the following information about COVID-19:
"Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is characterized by mild symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, cough, and fever. Illness can be more severe for some people and can lead to pneumonia or breathing difficulties.
More rarely, the disease can be fatal. Older people, and people with other medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease), may be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill."
"People may experience:
- runny nose
- sore throat
- cough
- difficulty breathing (severe cases)"
Even though the symptoms may be mild for most people, if you are experiencing these symptoms, especially any combination of them, it may be a good idea to use common sense to see a doctor and voluntarily schedule your class for a date when you are feeling better instead of taking a chance in being sent home as indicated above to prevent the possible spreading of your ailment. Medical authorities are also advising those who are experiencing shortness of breath to see a doctor as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or require assistance please feel free to contact a staff member anytime, and thank you for choosing us for your training needs!
Best regards and stay well by following all CDC and NYS protocols,
Gregory Bravo
Group President and School Director
Alliance Group Affiliates
Law Enforcement, Security and Tactical Training